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Maximize Your Performance Review with Effective Storytelling

Enhance your performance review results with your career story with impact and details in center stage.

Your performance review is a golden opportunity to highlight your achievements and communicate your worth throughout the past year. However, merely listing your accomplishments isn’t sufficient...

Step into Your Boss’s Shoes

Keep in mind, your boss likely has multiple reports, and review dates generally coincide. Additionally, they may be undergoing their own performance review. Performance review periods can be stressful for everyone, including your boss. So, how can you ensure your boss is focused and able to evaluate your performance objectively?

Narrate a Story

Assist your boss in remembering your contributions by telling a compelling story that underscores your strengths and validates your value to the organization. Use the power of storytelling to lead with the conclusion to draw attention to your hard work. Organize your accomplishments into themes, which we call 'Highlight Reels.' These reels exhibit your impact, efforts, alignment with your manager, and if needed, your path to improvement.

Demonstrate Your Impact

Never assume your boss fully understands your impact, regardless of how frequently you've discussed it in meetings or their involvement in your project. Your primary goal in this self-assessment is to demonstrate your influence on the team or the company, just like you would on a resume. Be cautious of a common pitfall: individuals often believe they can't claim credit for a team project's impact. This is a misconception. If your contribution to a project resulted in revenue, savings, or changes, mention those in your achievements. These become your Highlight Reel themes.

Exhibit Your Efforts

Depending on your role and level, showing your impact may be challenging. However, demonstrating your efforts can create an engaging Highlight Reel story, particularly about your efficiency and efficacy. Group your routine work into Highlight Reel themes.

Include the Details

Your boss may be aware of your achievements, but not the effort behind them. Back up each of your Highlight Reel themes with detailed descriptions of the accomplishments and recognitions. Highlight the obstacles you overcame, the time taken, and the steps involved.

Combat Cognitive Biases

Everyone, including your boss, has biases that can influence our judgment and decision-making. Your boss might remember negative events (horn bias) or give more weight to recent events (recency bias) when evaluating your performance.

How chea seed Can Assist

Creating such a narrative might seem daunting. Our career record tracker assists you in tracking your accomplishments, recognitions, and satisfaction, providing the evidence—and encouragement!—you need to craft an engaging story and prove your impact on the organization. Starting in July 2023, our AI-supported self-assessment toolkit will make the process even easier.

Begin monitoring your career progress with chea seed today, and weave your most compelling career story yet.

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